Monday, March 30, 2020

How to Make a Toilet Paper Roll Puppet

Hi! Unfortunately, we can't be together for now. But I've been trying to think of some puppet-making projects for you using things you probably have at home. (Unlike me, you probably don't have a stock of Styrofoam balls, brads and dowel rods.) I thought it would be fun and kind of obvious to use toilet paper rolls -- empty ones! -- since we all seem to have a lot of them.

For this project, you need 2 empty rolls, scissors, tape, glue (optional), markers or crayons or paint and colored paper or yarn or other stuff to embellish:

Start with 2 empty TP rolls. (Don't waste the toilet paper!!!)

Cut one roll in half length-wise.

Tape it together so that it fits snugly inside the other roll.

With a piece of tape, make a tab on the top of the taped roll. This will be your handle or control.

With one tube inside the other and a couple inches sticking out, draw your face with a pencil. The mouth is closed and the lower lips are on the outside tube.

Now, open lift the inserted tube up more and draw a bigger mouth.

Now, have fun coloring the face with markers, crayon or paint.

Cut and glue or tape some hair to the top. You can cut a fringe out of construction or other paper. Or you could use strips of cloth or yarn. Be patient about glueing the yarn. You might have to glue one strand at a time.

Then, you can draw on a body -- add whatever you want to give it more personality.

Did you make a puppet? Send me a picture or a video (because these guys can sing!) or find Sandye Voight or the Hazel Green Opera House on Facebook.
I will try to find some more puppets you can make at home. 
Meanwhile, stay safe. Wash your hands and do something fun.

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