Monday, December 30, 2019

Happy New Year!

We had a whopping 89 people in the seats for our last show of "Elf Jingle," which was also our last show for 2019. It was also wonderful to host school groups from Benton, Wis., and Scales Mound, Ill., on the Friday before Christmas.
Although our public shows are generally on weekends, it is possible for us to host school classes and other groups during the week. We do have a handicap-access ramp at the side of the building. Please contact us for further information,, 608-732-7129.

You will find a calendar of events for 2020 on this page.

We will be performing

"Little Red Space Helmet Girl"

at the Dubuque Museum of Art at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 11.

This is a free performance that is part of the museum's Saturday matinee series.
We love performing here and always have a wonderful, welcoming audience!
"Little Red" is the 30-minute show that we did this past summer as part of the summer library reading series. The theme was outer space.

We are thinking of keeping this smaller stage up in the opera house and doing this show as a "pop-up" if there is decent traveling weather this winter. So, watch this space, check your emails (ask to be on our email list) and check out the Hazel Green Opera House facebook page.

Our next regularly scheduled performances will be "More Tales of Bunny Cotton-Tail," during the Easter season.

At this point, we are still not sure about Pupafooglee. That is our annual free day of puppet shows and puppet making. IF we have it (the IF is because of some unrelated plans for the opera house the following weekend), it would be on the Saturday before Father's Day, June 20.
Stay tuned!

Thanks for a wonderful 15 years at the Hazel Green Opera House!

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