Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Labor Day Weekend Show

You won't want to miss our blockbuster Anniversary show. It's called:

"The Magic Calendar"
11 a.m. & 2 p.m. Sat. Aug. 30
2 p.m. Sun. Aug. 31


The opera house is AIR CONDITIONED!

an encore show
2 p.m. Sun. Sept. 7
(That's for all the folks who go camping or some such thing on Labor Day weekend and for folks in Benton who are too busy working that busy celebration.
 Really. Labor Day weekend in Benton is High Holiday. )

Note that we never do a show on Monday, actual Labor Day
That's because there's so much going on in Benton that day (our adopted hometown), what with the parade*, the carnival in the park, the duck races, and the wonderful pasty dinner at the Catholic Church Hall. 

Now about the show:
Witch Hazel Green stars and your favorite marionette, Bossy the cow, figures prominently. It seems that someone has left a large mysterious and wonderful looking gift-wrapped box on stage and Hazel is just about going crazy trying NOT to peek under the wrappings. Of course, she can't resist. The present is a giant magic calendar. Before you know, the thing has launched into a puppet celebration of every holiday in the year, from a famous dancing snowman to a special Valentine, something for St. Patrick's Day, etc. etc., right through the summer to Halloween and Christmas. 

We first produced this show in 2003, to celebrate our 10th year of puppetry.  At the time (when we still called ourselves the Fever River Marionettes), we did this performance in the old Benton Grade School gym, which had just been purchased by the Benton Bible Church. Now, here we are, 5 years later, with our beautiful home in the Hazel Green Opera House.

*Don't forget the parade!
See the previous blog below
with details about joining us in the parade.
We're planning something special.
Meet in front of the Benton Bible Church at 9 a.m.
We can't wait to see you.

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